When it comes to your car, you take care of it the best that you can. You keep it clean and free from scratches and make sure the oil is changed regularly. But do you ever think about taking care of your garage door? Most people don’t, and that’s where a professional garage door maintenance company comes in.
With regular checkups and repairs, your garage will stay open and operational longer – not to mention, it’ll look better too! If you’re in need of a reliable garage door service in London, please give us a call today. We’d be happy to take a look at your current situation and recommend the best course of action for you.
Average Cost of Our Garage Door Repair?
We offer a professional and affordable garage door maintenance service in London. Our experienced technicians will ensure your garage door is working properly and keeping you safe. We also provide a 24/7 emergency service, so you can be sure to get the support you need when you need it.
At our ADV Roller Garage Doors company in London, we always aim to provide our clients with the best possible service and advice. To help you calculate the average cost of our services, here are some of the most common repairs and maintenance jobs:
– Garage door springs replacement: this is one of the most common repairs that we carry out on garage doors, as they can become worn down over time and cause the door to not move smoothly or at all. The average cost for this service is £119.99.
– Garage door cable replacement: if your garage door is chronically sticking or not opening at all, it may be because of faulty cables. This can be relatively expensive to fix, costing an average of £224.99.
– Garage door motor replacement: if your garage door is noisy or making strange noises, chances are it needs a new motor. This can cost anywhere from £79 to £299 depending on the size and make of the machine.
How We Keep Your Garage Door in Good Condition
At our ADV Garage Doors maintenance company in London, we take pride in keeping your garage door in good condition. We use the latest technology and equipment to keep your garage door working smoothly and efficiently. We also offer a range of services to keep your garage door running smoothly, including – Regular maintenance inspections – Repair and replacement of parts as needed – Garbage removal We ensure that your garage door is always in good condition and that you can trust us to take care of it. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help keep your garage door in good condition.
How We Troubleshoot Common Garage Door Problems
If you’re having trouble opening or closing your garage door, chances are it’s not due to a broken spring or cable, but rather something more serious like a misaligned opener. We know that the last thing you want is to waste time and energy troubleshooting a simple issue only to realize that it’s something much bigger that needs to fix.
We’ll walk you through the basic steps of troubleshooting common garage door problems and help you find the solution quickly. If we can’t solve the problem ourselves, we’ll refer you to a qualified technician who can. So don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re having trouble opening or closing your garage door – we’re here to help!
Types of Garage Door Services Offered by ADV Garage Doors
ADV Garage Doors company offers a variety of services to keep your garage doors in good working order. Services may include:
-Cleaning and lubrication of the door hinges and springs
-ADV Garage Doors company offers repair or replacement of broken or damaged parts
-Installation of new garage door hardware or sensors
-Inspection and maintenance of the overall system
Why You Should Use A Professional Garage Door Service
The weather outside is frightful, but the weather inside your home can be just as terrible. The wind and rain can cause your garage door to malfunction, and it can be difficult to fix on your own. That’s why you should consider using a professional garage door maintenance company like us. ADV Garage Doors company is an expert at repairing and maintaining garage doors. We’ll take care of everything from fixing a broken cable to replacing the entire door assembly. Not only will this save you time and money, but it’ll also help keep your home safe. So if you find yourself struggling with a garage door issue, call our professional today.
What to expect during your service call
When you call our company to do your commercial garage door repair, there are a few things to expect. First, our technician will arrive on time and be dressed in appropriate attire. Second, our technician will take the time to assess the issue and provide you with a quote for the repairs or service that is required. Third, technicians work diligently to complete the repair or service as quickly as possible. Finally, technicians will leave your property clean and tidy after their visit.
If you’re looking for a professional maintenance company for garage doors in London, then you’ve come to the right place. At our firm, we understand that every home is unique and requires specific attention when it comes to garage doors. That’s why we offer a wide range of services that are tailored specifically to meet your needs. From regular inspections and repairs to new installations, we’ll make sure that everything is taken care of so that your garage stays in peak condition. We also offer garage door maintenance and residential garage door repair near me in London.